Receptive & Expressive language delays
Children all learn language the same way, but not always at the same time. Speech pathologists can help your child:
Auditory Processing – understand what is heard through repetition & rehearsal
Build Vocabulary - learn new words through role playing & storytelling
Alternative/Augmentative Communication – provide communication options until language is built
Social emotional pragmatic impairments
As children learn about the world around them through observation and imitation, sometimes social interaction skills lag behind. Speech pathologists can help your child:
Improve eye contact during turn-taking conversations
Initiate interactions with others
Attain & Maintain attention
Interpret Non-Verbal cues
Articulation disorders
Speech pathologists help identify individual sounds and sound combinations in error. Specialized speech treatment will include:
Evaluation of the physical structure of their mouth and muscles, ie lips, tongue, cheeks, hard/soft palate
Provide correct placement of tongue, lips, and teeth in positions to produce an accurate sound
Recognition of how the new sound feels and is heard during speech
Celebration & reinforcement of new sound production until the new sound is a habit
Cleft lip & palate intervention
Surgical intervention and behavior intervention are the primary treatment components. SLPs play an important role in speech and feeding skills following reconstruction including:
Facilitating sucking, swallowing, chewing skills for safe eating & drinking
Teaching correct sound productions
Decreasing hypo/hyper nasal emissions
Voice disorders: stuttering/cluttering and vocal fold dysfunction
A child’s pitch, loudness, and overall vocal quality tend to affect their relationships with their peers, and unfortunately, can lead to negative attention and limited participation in activities.
Speech pathologist, Victoria Pavelko, has over a decade experience as a fluency specialist treating stuttering/cluttering disorders across the lifespan:
Treatment approaches include:
Lidcombe Parent Training Program
Temple Child Therapy
Shine’s Systematic Fluency Training
Martin, Kuhl & Haroldson’s time-out with a Puppet
Gregory’s modeling slow easy speech
Cooper’s Control Therapy Program
Autism intervention
We want to find the BEST way to help your child communicate in more useful, functional ways. We believe in Family – Centered Approach – reducing family stress through collaboration of family’s interests & cultural values. Treatment approaches to include:
Non-verbal gestural communication with simple sign language (ASL)
Communication Boards/iPad applications
Receptive language skill builders
Attention/Listening/Imitation play
Feeding disorders
Up to 45% of typical developing children develop a chewing, sucking, or swallowing disorder. We are here to help your child develop healthy, safe eating & drinking skills by:
Providing a relaxing, stress-free feeding environment
Initiate food play to begin to accept different food textures into hands
Improve low tone in facial muscles
Increase strength in tongue, lips, and cheeks with fun exercises
Decrease sensory aversions by focusing on combining favorite foods with new ones
Assist with transition from bottle/breastfeeding to food and drink