LSVT BIG - Helping People with Parkinson's Live Active Lives

By: Alexandra Piercy, PT, DPT - LSVT BIG Certified Clinician

LSVT BIG is a program developed to treat people with Parkinson Disease (PD), to improve their ability to use their bodies more normally. People with PD often begin to have smaller and slower motions for completing tasks and gestures. LSVT BIG helps people "recalibrate" how they move by helping them use bigger motions through increased effort. LSVT trains individual's specific needs and goals and can be used with patients of different disease stages and severities. LSVT BIG is supported by research, including randomized control trial, which showed improved UPDRS score (the "gold standard" used to measure the progression of PD) and other tests used to assess function.  People who participate in LSVT BIG report improve stability, faster walking, and increase confidence with the movements of daily life.

LSVT BIG is a treatment which is designed to consist of 4 one-hour treatments with a PT and/or OT per week for at least 1 month. It also includes daily practice and carryover exercises, focusing on "thinking BIG!" to change how people perceived movement and how the movement feels to them. People with PD typically feel too big when first starting the program, even though they are the same amplitude to the average person.  Their perception of bigness changes over time and the person with PD can recognize these larger movements as normal. These changes can be applied and practiced with any activity, including walking, wheelchair propulsion, getting in/out of bed or even fine motor skill tasks like buttoning a shirt.

LSVT BIG consists of frequent repetition and increased complexity of tasks as the individual progresses.  This frequency and complexity is key to helping people with PD live a more active, confident, and independent life. It is never too early or late to begin LSVT BIG treatment! Treating before noticing changes in posture, balance and general function can help prevent issues in the future and maintain optimal functioning for years.

If you or a loved one is interested in starting or learning more about the LSVT BIG program, contact our office today for more information and to schedule an evaluation with a Certified LSVT BIG Clinician.