Benefits of Exercise

Mental Health and Aging

Mental Health and Aging

Tuesday October 10, 2023, is World Mental Health Day. Mental health disorders impact everyone from children to older adults. Approximately 15% of adults 60+ have a diagnosable mental health disorder. Depression and anxiety are the most common diagnoses and can present in many ways. It is often under-diagnosed and even when diagnosed, often under-treated in the primary care settings especially when experienced by older adults. Older people have many life stressors including the loss of loved ones, a drop in socioeconomic status with retirement, and decline in physical and/or cognitive abilities.  All these changes can increase isolation and loneliness.

Your PT Can't Do Your Exercise For You

Your PT Can't Do Your Exercise For You

If you've been to physical therapy, you likely got a home exercise program. Research says that if you do your home exercise program, you'll have a significantly better chance of meeting your goals and feeling better. Not doing your program increases the risk of recurrent injury or flare-ups with less positive outcomes long term. Even though they're important, adherence to home exercise programs is terrible. It's estimated that only 40 to 50% of patients do their exercises the way they're supposed to. What can you do to make sure you do your exercises and get the best outcomes? Here are a few ideas.

Top Five Reasons to Exercise if You Have Parkinson’s

Top Five Reasons to Exercise if You Have Parkinson’s

Specific exercise programs are recommended by neurologists and movement disorder specialists to help with the symptoms associated with Parkinson’s Disease (PD). Here is a list, with supportive research, on how exercise can help.