Benefits of Physical Therapy

HIIT Aging Where it Counts!

HIIT Aging Where it Counts!

HIIT, High Intensity Interval Training, is not a new kid on the fitness scene.  Athletes, trainers, and gym rats have been using it for years to build cardiovascular endurance and strength.  The problem is many see HIIT as a young man’s game.  The good news?...IT’S NOT!  More and more research show HIIT’s incredible benefits for those in our community over the age of 60. 

“Prehab” is it Right for YOU? Benefits of PT Before Considering Surgery

“Prehab” is it Right for YOU? Benefits of PT Before Considering Surgery

As research continues to shed light on the benefits of PT for pain, and as a necessity for post-surgical rehab, it is becoming more commonplace for surgeons to prescribe PT BEFORE their patient’s major surgeries as well. Some studies have shown that this step can diminish the need for post-operative care by 30%! This process has been coined Prehabilitation or “Prehab” and the advantages are clear.