Certified Lymphatic Therapist

Is it Lymphedema or Lipedema? 

Is it Lymphedema or Lipedema? 

As a Certified Lymphedema Therapist, I often see clients and other healthcare professionals confused by the difference between lymphedema and lipedema. At Virginian Rehabilitation and Wellness, our CLTs (Certified Lymphedema Therapists) are specially trained to assess the clinical features of both conditions to determine the appropriate treatment.   This blog breaks down the difference in presentation and treatment of both.

Lymphedema Therapy and How it Helps

Lymphedema Therapy and How it Helps

Our amazing team has a combined over ten years of experience as Certified Lymphedema Therapists (CLTs). Treatments are designed based on the most updated evidence-informed guidelines on managing both primary and secondary types of Lymphedemas that include other pre-existing vascular conditions.

Is This Really Just Fat OR is it Lipedema?

Is This Really Just Fat OR is it Lipedema?

Did you know that there are different types of fat? Did you know that 1 in 9 women are diagnosed with lipedema? Not all fat is cellulitis!

June is Lipedema awareness month, and like many other underserved populations, we need more awareness about Lipedema, especially in the healthcare community.

As a Certified Lymphedema Therapist, I often have the conversation with a client about the differences between lipedema and lymphedema and what we see clinically. My heart goes out the individuals (over 90% are women) that get this diagnosis and are being called fat and to “just diet and exercise and it will go away.” Nothing could be further from the truth!